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Dostupnosť z akademickej siete EUBA

Skúšobné e-zdroje sú automaticky dostupné v prostredí EU v Bratislave a PHF v Košiciach, vrátane internátov


SEK e-kompas prístupu k univerzitným e-zdrojom 2021
E-kompas prístupu k univerzitným e-zdrojom
(kliknutím na obrázok sa dostanete na čitateľnú verziu)


Dostupnosť mimo akademickej siete EUBA (napr. z domu)

Najpohodlnejšou možnosťou je prístup cez VPN. Ak nemôžete používať VPN dlhodobo, oplatí sa aspoň na vytvorenie, autorizovanie či re-autorizovanie účtov do jednotlivých databáz.

Vzdialený prístup cez VPN

  • Zamestnanci a študenti EU majú vzdialený prístup cez virtuálnu privátnu sieť (VPN) z domu rovnako ako keby boli na univerzite alebo internáte.
  • Návod na inštaláciu, konfiguráciu a používanie klienta VPN nájdete na univerzitnej stránke E-learning. (Návod pre zariadenia s macOS tu.)
  • Do klienta VPN sa prihlásite svojím školským kontom do portálu IDM (Moodle, eSkúška). Prihlasovacie meno je v tvare jmrkvicka1. Prístupové údaje ste dostali emailom pri zápise alebo nástupe do zamestnania, nájdete ich tiež v doručenej pošte podľa kľúčového slova „eduroam“. Podrobnosti o prihlásení nájdete v návode Skúšanie online. Prípadný reset hesla rieši Centrum informačných technológií EUBA prostredníctvom žiadosti na EUBA Helpdesk System.

Vzdialený prístup bez VPN


Data Catalog

The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank datasets, including databases, pre-formatted tables, reports, and other resources.

DATAcube. (substitute for Slovstat)

Database contains multidimensional tables (cubes) for indicators of economic and socio-economic development of the Slovak Republic. Data from various statistical fields are presented in the form of multidimensional tables in monthly, quarterly or yearly time series and allow to create your own selections.

Data / the World Bank

Free and open access of the World Bank to data about development in countries around the globe.

European Sources Online (ESO)

An online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on issues of importance to European researchers, citizens and stakeholders.
Guide: short, full


The key to European statistics. Eurostat provides the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Registered users of the web site have a tool with sophisticated features for the selection of data, enabling them to wider selections and downloading in various formats.

ISSN Portal

International database of magazines and periodicals. Users can search in it by name, ISSN, country of publication or by journal type (online or printed version). The portal currently contains more than two million records.

National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers Online

The website contains papers on economics written by more than 500 university professors for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to research on the economy. Key focus areas include developing new statistical measurements, estimating quantitative models of economic behaviour, and analysing the effects of public policies.

Register of Financial Statements

The Register is the information system of the public administration and it was the DataCentrum that was determined as the operator by the empowerment of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. The Register was launched by the law No. 431/2002 Coll. of Acts on accounting as amended. The users of the website can:

  • search in the list of accounting entities
  • browse available Financial Statements and other documents published in the RFS
  • browse, save and print the financial statements and other documents published in the RFS

Access to licensed e-resources of the University of Economics in Bratislava is available from computers in the whole network of the University including the Faculty of Business Economics in Košice


EBSCOhost Research Databases

Provides access to a range of databases in the social sciences

Collection of scholarly electronic monographs focused on management, business and finance.



The large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Scopus has journal coverage in many subjects across the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.



SpringerLink provides access to full text scientific journals, book series, books, and reference works in science, technology and medicine published by the Springer.

Archive of webinars (not only) for librarians


Web of Science

The multidisciplinary research platform of Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) which enables simultaneous cross-searching of a range of citation indexes and databases. The databases included in our subscription are:

  • Current Contents Connect - current awareness database. It provides easy web access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information, and abstracts from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals, as well as from more than 7,000 relevant, evaluated websites. Available editions: Life Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Engineering, Computing & Technology, Social & Behavioral Sciences a Arts & Humanities (1998 – current).
  • Web of Science Core Collection - bibliographic citation database. It includes access to the following databases:
    1. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE): 1985 - present
    2. Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI): 1985 - present
    3. Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI): 1985 - present
    4. Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI): 2015 - present
    5. Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (CPCI-S): 1990 - present
    6. Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Sciences&Humanities (CPCI-SSH): 1990 - present
    7. Book Citation Index-Science (BKCI-S): 2005 - present
    8. Book Citation Index-Social Sciences & Humanities (BKCI-SSH): 2005 - present
    9. Current Chemical Reactions (CCR-Expanded): 1985 - present
    10. Index Chemicus (IC): 1993 - present
  • InCites Journal Citation Reports (JCR) - allows to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from approximately 12,000 scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries (Journal Impact Factor, IF)
  • InCites Essential Science Indicators (ESI) - unique compilation of performance statistics and trends extrapolated from counts of articles published in scholarly journals and the citations to those articles
  • Web of Science Citation Connection - regional and specialized databases and indexes - a primary resource for searching for specialized scientific information, data and patents (Medline, Biosis Citation Index, Russian Science Citation Index, KCI Korean Journal Database, SciELO Citation Index, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index...)