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Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava

phone.: 02/6729 1613

e-mail: sek@euba.sk



Jitka Kmeťová

Library Director

02/6729 1150


Director's Section

Andrea Pitoňáková 02/6729 1466 andrea.pitonakova@euba.sk
Alena Oslejová 02/6729 1613 alena.oslejova@euba.sk
Bronislava Senčáková 02/6729 1614 bronislava.sencakova@euba.sk

Department of Information Resources

Ladislava Katrincová

Head of Department

02/6729 1358 ladislava.katrincova@euba.sk
Edita Behulová 02/6729 1148 edita.behulova@euba.sk
Eva Čechová 02/6729 1376 eva.cechova@euba.sk
Viktor Fečkan 02/6729 1476 viktor.feckan@euba.sk
Martina Filová 02/6729 1379 martina.filova@euba.sk
Vladimír Gašparík 02/6729 1131 vladimir.gasparik@euba.sk
Zuzana Gejdošová 02/6729 1475 zuzana.gejdosova@euba.sk
Zuzana Gregušová 02/6729 1362 zuzana.gregusova@euba.sk
Margita Haláková 02/6729 1140 margita.halakova@euba.sk
Martina Hrončáková 02/6729 1265 martina.hroncakova@euba.sk
Marek Kubinec 02/6729 1244 marek.kubinec@euba.sk
Michaela Matejková 02/6729 1311 michaela.matejkova@euba.sk
Veronika Mesterová 02/6729 1243 veronika.mesterova@euba.sk
Ľubica Mravíková 02/6729 1216 lubica.mravikova@euba.sk
Stela Štrompachová 02/6729 1384 stela.strompachova@euba.sk

Department of Library and Information Services

Dagmar Dinková

Head of Department

02/6729 1247 dagmar.dinkova@euba.sk
Katarína Bereczová 02/6729 1494 katarina.bereczova@euba.sk
Mária Kralovičová 02/6729 1263 maria.kralovicova@euba.sk
Peter Lezo 02/6729 1190 peter.lezo@euba.sk
Jana Mareková 02/6729 1324 jana.marekova@euba.sk
Zdenka Mináriková 02/6729 1301 zdenka.minarikova@euba.sk
Eva Okrucká 02/6729 1279 eva.okrucka@euba.sk
Helena Pinďurová 02/6729 1190 helena.pindurova@euba.sk
Zuzana Randáková 02/6729 1324 zuzana.randakova@euba.sk
Monika Ráczová 02/6729 1494 monika.raczova@euba.sk
Drahomíra Slatinová 02/6729 1263 drahomira.slatinova@euba.sk
Renáta Smolárová 02/6729 1239 renata.smolarova@euba.sk

Branch Library in Košice

Iveta Marjaková

Head of Branch

Alica Novotná 055/722 3263 alica.novotna@euba.sk


Slovak Economic Library of the University of Economics in Bratislava has been designated as a European Documentation Centre (EDC) in 2014. EDC is a part of the Europe Direct Information Network set up by the European Commission and is open to any member of the public.

The mission of the EDC is to provide access to European Union information to higher education and local communities, and supporting teaching and research on the EU at the University.

EDC status entitles Library to receive one copy of most significant publications and documents of the EU issued by the Publications Office in Luxemburg free of charge.


Collection of EDC is located on the 4th Floor in the General Reading Room (on the left side from the Information Desk) and is available on the open shelves for reference and study.

It contains the official publications and documents of the institutions of the EU, such as general information and background material on the EU as well as a number of European Journals and statistical sources.

Details of the most items in the EDC are included in the Online Catalogue.

Opening hours

EDC material is accessible when the General Reading Room is open - see our opening hours for details.

Staff is normally available to help you during workdays from 09:00 - 15:00.

Useful links

European Sources Online (ESO)
An online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on issues of importance to European researchers, citizens and stakeholders.
Guide (ppt)

Find-eR (before ECLAS)
Tool for searching the European Commission libraries print and electronic collections (some publications are freely available with the full text online)

Gateway to European Union

Portal to legal and juridical material

EU Open Data Portal          
The single point of free access to a growing range of data from the institutions and other bodies of the European Union

Online database of the Official Journal Supplement giving details of contracts and tenders

EU Whoiswho
Official directory of the EU

The Community Research and Development Service (includes contacts, news, partners, results)

European Youth Portal


Bachelor and diploma theses, dissertations and habilitation papers defended at the University of Economics in Bratislava are registered in the Library Catalogue:

Digital versions of theses and dissertations are accessible in the Central Register of Theses and Dissertations of the Slovak Republic (CRTD).

Library also archives Licence Agreements, Identification Data Forms or eventually Author’s Declaration Form of Inaccessibility, if completed.

It is possible to switch from the records of theses and dissertations in the Library Catalogue to the theses and dissertations in CRTD.