The trial access to the Russian database is extended until 15 October 2019. Polpred is a full-text database of Russian articles from the press agencies and the economic press.
Thanks to The Economics and Management Institute, which has acquired a license, a leading finance platform Eikon + Datastream (Thomson Reuters) is now available to The University of Economics. The platform offers a full picture of the macro environment and economic cycles to uncover trends and forecast market conditions.
Update 17 September 2019: Access to the platform expired on 15 September 2019.
All the numbers of The Economist issued in 2018 are available with the PDF full-texts in ProQuest Central database. The articles are displayed as originally published with all graphic elements. (The HTML full-texts are available from 1992).
EMIS University is the most trusted source of intelligence on emerging markets. It delivers proprietary and multi-source news, data, research and more than 3.6mln private and public company profiles – in an archived, indexed, searchable and easy to use format.
The ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Slovak Economic Library will take place on Thursday, April 19, 2018 from 1.00 PM (13.00) in the premises of the library's Coworking Area on the 2nd floor in D-block of Building 1.
The library will be closed all day for users.
Feel free to subscribe to the Facebook event.
Free trial access to IMF eLibrary, which contains IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, as well as data and statistical tools. Areas covered include macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and more
Free trial access to STATISTA
- over 1,5 million data sets with revenue forecasts from 2015 to 2020 on over 4000 industries
The Oxford University Press offers free trial access to the Oxford Research Encyclopedias Business and Management a Economics and Finance by April 30, 2018. Other e-resources are also available:
Free access to database Oxford International Organizations, which contains acts of international organizations and other related documents accompanied by their analyses and commentaries. It will be available until June 30, 2018.
Free access to a database of comprehensive summaries of the literature published by leading world publishers (eg McGraw Hill, Palgrave Macmillan, Wiley, Harvard Business Review). It will be available until February 15, 2018. The database is updated daily and contains almost 4000 summary titles from the following areas: