
ProQuest has expanded the content of ProQuest Central with 900 scientific journals and 400 newspapers. The databases structure and some of their names have been changed. New databases Arts & Humanities Database, Library Science Database, Linguistics Database a Public Health Database have been added to ProQuest Central.

Try new trial access to HS Talks The Business & Management Collection. It provides 950 online video lectures and case studies by recognizable leading world experts. Topics include marketing, management, finance, accounting, strategy and more.

Access to EBSCOhost Research Databases will be unavailable from 1 July to 30 September 2016 due to the interruption of the Slovak National Licence.

Business Source Complete a EconLit with Fulltext, which are not part of the national licence, remain accessible.

We will inform you about any change in the situation.

Make use of trial access to McGraw-Hill Education eBook Library ebooks in fields of:

Please note, that Scopus database is currently unavailable due to technical problems. Responsible personnel of NISPEZ project is dealing with the problem.

Access to Journal Citation Reports is currently unavailable at the EUBA. 
Thomson Reuters company has stopped access to JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS database for the University of Economics in Bratislava by reason of not concluding the agreement with the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information within the national project NISPEZ.
We will inform you about any change in the situation.

We inform our users, that Reading Room of Theses has been closed since May 1st 2016. Theses are available in electronic form via Library Catalogue according to licence agreements.

If you need any material about European Union affairs for your study, Fact sheets on the European Union provide you with a straightforward and concise overview of the European Union’s institutions and policies, and of the role that Parliament plays in their development.
Do not hesitate and save the link for future.

Try new trial access to the comprehensive online resource Complete Business and Economics Package on the Alexander Street platform until 8th May 2016. It provides material for teaching across all relevant business areas—international business, management, human resources, and more. These collections deliver a combined—and growing—total of 500+ hours of video and 44,000+ pages of text.

Access is available from the computers in the network of the University of Economics.

Journal Citation Reports database is available at the University of Economics in Bratislava from January 1st 2016 through the national project NISPEZ.
The database contains the Impact Factors and other information about the world’s leading scientific and scholarly journals (1997-current). Journal Citation Reports is accessible within computer network of the University directly from Web of Science interface. More information in section Electronic Resources.